Domain Name Registration Renewal
If you have already renewed your domain name and the whois
information shows that the domain name has already been renewed and you
receive another renewal notice for the same domain name, take a closer
look at the notice. Most likely the notice is to renew other
services (Email or URL Forwarding, Secure Whois, etc.) not the domain
name registration. Renew
your domain for multiple years to get high ranking in the search
engine Ranking and also to lock the price
for future network solutions or ICANN increases.
Domain name renewal is the assurance to
continue your presence on the Internet. Many domain name owners
lost their domain names because they neglected to renew their domain
name on time. We would like this event to never happen to any of
our customers. We do not want this event to ever happen to
any of our customers. We have created the auto-renewal
feature to assure that your domain name would be renewed prior to its
expiration. Unfortunately though, you must do your part to watch
for two very important things.
1. Your email address must be
correct in order for us to be in touch with you in the event that your
bank does not approve the charges to renew the domain name.
2. Also make sure that the credit
card on file is up to date (most importantly check to see if the
expiration date needs to be updated, and make sure the card on file is
valid), since we cannot charge an expired credit card. If the
domain name is not renewed on time, and you let it expire it will be
held for a 30-day's redemption period. During this time the domain
name will be removed from the zone files (the list of domains currently
in the global DNS.) All services associated with the domain name
will stop working. This includes your website, email forwarding
and URL Forwarding. While you may retrieve the domain name from
deletion during the redemption period, you must pay a $100 fee to do so.
Once the redemption period has passed, the domain name will be released
for anyone to register.
Be aware that ICANN and VeriSign have
signed an agreement that allows VeriSign to impose higher fees on all
registrars. To secure any future price hike in the future, we
advise you to renew your domain name for the maximum number of years you
can afford to renew. A
Some fraudulent
websites send massive emailings to domain name owners. They send
deceptive emails that look like official requests to renew domain names
and the end result is that you will be tricked into paying three times
the amount we charge for renewal, and they may also trick you into
transferring your domain name to them, making it very difficult to
retrieve your domain back.
never sends renewal notices through the Post Office mail,
and if you receive postal mail from anybody to renew your domain name,
consider it to be a fraudulent request to get your money.
Renew Domains
(Renew your domains up to ten years)
To renew a domain, please put a check mark next to the domain(s) you
wish to renew, then press the Continue button. If you have domains that
have expired and are in the redemption status, and you would like to
restore them, you can do so in this section.
Make sure your domains are renewed with our new Auto Renewal option. Domains
that are about to expire and have the Auto Renew option checked, will be
renewed automatically for a period of 1 year. The actual renewal will take
place 30 days prior to the domain's expiration date. This allows us plenty
of time to correct any charging issues such as expired credit card or credit
card processing failure. This gives us valuable time to help avoid lost
domains. A renewal notification will be emailed to the address in your
account. Renewals will be billed to the credit card you have on file. If the
credit card information is invalid or has been declined, you will receive an
email with an opportunity to update the payment information.
If you do not wish to renew any of your domains, and you do not want to
receive renewal emails, you can stop the emails from being sent, and your
domain will expire at the end of its term. Use our Disable Renewal Notices
to set up this option.
Enable/Disable Auto Renewal
(Make sure your domains are renewed on time)
● Check domains you want to be auto renewed. ● Uncheck the
ones you do not wish to auto renew.
PLEASE NOTE: if the auto renewal option is not set for these domains
they will expire without any notification. If your domain will expire
within 30 days you need to renew it first before setting the Auto Renew
Enable/Disable Renewal Notices
(Disable renewal emails)
Uncheck Auto-renewal for domains you don't want renewal emails for.